
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Score a goal from the greatest distance

Task types:
Single brief
Bonus points?

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Score a goal from the furthest possible distance.

You may only take one shot.

If you don't score a goal, you're disqualified.

You must celebrate effusively, whether or not you score a goal.

There might be a bonus point for the best goal celebration.

You have five minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Jessica places the ball directly in front of the goal, to ensure that she scores. She quite easily scores a goal, and as her celebration, screams and crawls between Nuno’s legs. In the studio, Jessica is embarrassed at her performance, especially after Nuno reveals that Jessica’s goal was scored from a mere 97cm away (or, as Nuno initially puts it, “four palms and three fingers”). However, this tactic ultimately serves Jessica well, as it is eventually revealed that the other four contestants miss their shots. Jessica wins the task by default.
  • After confirming with Nuno that she is allowed to move the ball, Rita decides to just shoot from the starting position. She crosses herself before taking her shot – which misses. In celebration, she rolls around on the (wet) grass, screaming “Goooooooal!”, before jumping on Nuno’s back (as Vasco puts it, it was Rita’s interpretation of The Exorcist). As she does not score a goal, Rita earns no points.
  • Toy moves the ball a little further back from the starting position, but kicks at too much of an angle, sending the football veering off to the side of the goal. In celebration, Toy cheers and does a somersault on the grass, before giving the finger with both hands directly to the camera. As he does not score a goal, Toy earns no points.
  • Inês recognises that she is not good at football – and does not seem to realise that she can move the ball – so she decides to concentrate on a good celebration to secure the bonus point on offer. She indicates that her options are limited, as she is pregnant. As she predicted, Inês' shot gets nowhere near the goal, and in celebration, she climbs in a small boat and has Nuno pull her around the yard as she screams in victory. As she does not score a goal, Inês earns no points.
  • Gilmário provides his own third-person commentary as he prepares to take his shot from the default starting position. He then proceeds to showboat, showing off his (admittedly impressive) ball handling skills, before finally taking his shot – and completely missing the goal. In celebration, Gilmário runs around the yard screaming in delight – but he is actually just shouting berating messages to himself for his failure – before doing a few cartwheels. As he does not score a goal, Gilmário earns no points, but Vasco does award him the bonus point for best celebration.

(Source credit: Jenny R)