Episode 3: The poet and the egg

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Episode synopsis
In this episode the contestants must bring in the most meaningful item, throw a teabag into a mug, draw an image using a GPS device, buy a gift for the Taskmaster, get an egg as high as possible, and stand up after exactly 100 seconds.
Title context
'The poet and the egg' was how Greg introduced Tim Key's attempt at the 'Get an egg as high as possible' task.
Alternate Titles
- On Denmark's TV2 Play streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Digteren og ægget', which translates as 'The poet and the egg'.
- On Finland's MTV Katsomo streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Runoilija ja kananmuna', which translates as 'The poet and the egg'. [Translator credit: zador]
- On Norway's Discovery+ Norge streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Poeten og Egget', which translates as 'The poet and the egg'. Note: this Norwegian translation of the title only appears in the subtitles for the episode, whereas the episode title listed on the platform is the original English title. [Translator credit: Jan Harald]
Taskmaster Intro
Hello. I'm Greg Davies and this is Taskmaster. Like you, I enjoy making people do the jobs I don't want to do. Especially when those people are famous comedians, and the jobs are absolutely ludicrous. So, over the course of several months, several top comedians have been doing some spectacularly odd tasks for me. They have no idea how each other did, but they will soon find out. Let's see who they are.
Contestant Intros
He's recently been awarded an OBE, we presume, because this is gonna be repeated, realistically: Mr Frank Skinner!
He's got rosy cheeks, curly hair, and a very successful career. It's Josh Widdicombe.
She has genuinely over 40,000 unread emails in her inbox, because she is bad at certain aspects of life. It's Roisin Conaty.
He used to be happy, but since we've been filming this show, he's not any more. It's Romesh Ranganathan.
He gets asked to do a lot of voiceover work, but I think his face is fine. It's Tim Key.
Assistant Intro
And, as always, I will be assisted and encouraged by my personal assistant, Alex Horne.
Taskmaster's Sign-off
And remember, when you have a handful of hope and a heart full of sorrow, when all your dreams are in one basket, but the chicken has flown the coop... Join us next time on Taskmaster. Good night!
Official episode video
This is a full episode video from an official YouTube channel source. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.
Official podcast episode
Episode stats

Official Points

Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- Brazilian Portuguese Credit: Taskmaster Worldwide Inc
- Dutch Credit: Taskmaster Worldwide Inc
- English Credit: tribbletown
- German Credit: Taskmaster Worldwide Inc
- Polish Credit: Taskmaster Worldwide Inc
- Swedish Credit: anonymous