
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Spread your clothes far and wide

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The task brief is delivered to the contestants attached to a toy plane suspended on a wire, as they come out of the front door of the Taskmaster house. The brief for the task is as follows:

Spread your clothes as far and wide as possible at your own expense.

You must discard four items of clothing that you are currently wearing.

Farthest and widest wins.

You have 30 minutes.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

  • On episode 75 of the Taskmaster Podcast, it was revealed that one of Dave Gorman's socks had been left in the scaffolding until 2021, when Andy Devonshire finally buried it. He described the sock as "completely threadbare", and said that there were "three snails fucking in it".

Official task video

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Paul begins by placing one of his socks on the plane that had delivered the task brief, which is at this point located right outside the front door of the Taskmaster house. He is then seen throwing his coat into a big tree in the garden of the house, his jumper over the fence at the end of the garden, and hanging his other sock in a tree in another corner of the garden. He then attempts to get the plane to fly away with his sock draped over it, but fails to get it airborne, and crashes on the lawn. In the studio, Greg checks with Paul whether he realises that when you throw a sock over a fence, “it’s still just the other side of the fence”. Paul attempts to argue that they don’t know where it actually landed, and that it could still be travelling now. In order to display the area covered by Paul’s items of clothing on the map, they have to zoom in very close on the location of the Taskmaster house. It is revealed that he managed to cover an area of just 0.0001 square miles, which unsurprisingly earns him last place.
  • Sara first puts her jacket on the fence of the Taskmaster house. She then runs out of the property, shouting at Alex – who is running behind her with the timer - that he can “do better”. They run to the river, where Sara explains that she is going to put a bit of wood inside her sock, so that it will float downstream. After flinging her sock into the river, she then runs alongside the river towards a nearby railway station, where a train is just about to arrive. Unfortunately, she goes to the wrong platform, and the timer runs out before she can board. Greg comments that Sara’s instinct to tasks appears to mainly be to just run, and notes that she’d seemed pleased with herself when she threw her sock in the river. She claims that the sock is probably still floating out to sea, but Greg points out that there was a time limit on the task. Making a dig at Paul’s attempt, she responds “Oh yeah, I should have put a sock on a plane.” When displayed on screen in the studio, the area covered by Sara’s clothing is very long and thin. It is revealed that the area covered measured 0.02 square miles, which earns her fourth place.
  • Dave starts out by cutting his shirt in two, and placing the two halves in different locations. He initially puts one of his socks up on the scaffolding, at the edge of the garden, but then appears to realise that he can leave the property. He is seen walking up the road and getting on a bus. He also stops a cyclist and asks if they’ll take one of his socks with them, to the end of their journey. The cyclist obliges, and says they’re going as far as East Cheam. Dave then plans to get on another bus but, as there isn’t one due, he instead continues to run along the road as his time runs out. In the studio, Greg points out that Dave had effectively used “clothes mules” to distribute his clothing for him, and he compliments him for getting on a bus, where he had left one of his socks. However, Greg questions why Dave had decided to cut his shirt in two, and Dave explains that by doing so, he could spread it further and wider, as he’d have “five nodes” to play with, instead of four. Greg argues that a split shirt is no longer a shirt, but then Alex points out that Dave had used the word ‘nodes’, and that seems to win Greg back around. The area covered by Dave’s clothing is revealed to be 0.3 square miles, which earns him third place.
  • Rob asks Alex if he has his van at the house, and then they both get into it and go for a drive. At one point, they are seen slowing down before Rob throws his jumper out of the window, onto the side of the road. Later on in the journey, Alex is seen confirming that “the socks are gone”, as Rob presumably also lobs them out of the window. Still sitting in the moving van, Rob then removes his trousers and, as the time counts down to zero, he also throws those out of the window. Now seated in the van with Alex in just his underpants and shirt on, Rob becomes very giggly. In the studio, it is revealed that the area covered by Rob’s clothing was 2.7 square miles, which earns him second place.
  • Al orders a taxi and sends Alex and a member of the production crew off together in it, with his hat and jacket. He then flags down a second taxi, and gets into it with another member of the crew. We see the first taxi stop, and Alex leaves the production crew member at the side of the road with Al’s jacket. Alex then gets back into the taxi, wearing Al’s hat. Al, meanwhile, has gotten the taxi to drop him off by his own car, and driven off in another direction. He is seen dropping off his tank-top by the side of the road, and giving a double thumbs-up to the camera. As the timer counts down, Alex ask his taxi to stop, then runs into a nearby park and throws Al’s hat as far as possible. In the studio, Alex confirms that his taxi alone had cost £60, and that Al had also paid a man to walk off with another item of clothing. Rob points out that Al is likely to make a loss on the show, with the amount of money he his spending. Al’s response is “What price glory?”, but Alex actually has an answer for that: “£340”. It’s revealed that the area covered by AL’s clothing is 6.2 square miles, which wins him the task.

(Source credit: JoGo)