
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Sofie’s dramatic altercation

After reading the task brief, Sofie muses that it’s a lucky thing that she’s a naturally dramatic person. In the studio, Mark echoes her claim that she is naturally dramatic, but also makes sure to emphasise that the world of fiction – in which Sofie’s attempt takes place – often involves severe overacting.

Sofie leans around the door – which is appropriately labelled with a sign reading “Hemmelig Club” ('Secret Club') – and says the required phrase.

Mark then awkwardly approaches the door, wearing sunglasses and ill-fitting red high heels, relieved that he has made it to work on time.

As he puts in his earpiece, Sofie kicks open the door and saunters in, loudly proclaiming that since she and her friends have just arrived at the club, everything is sure to be “pure drama”.

Mark stops her, refusing to let her in. The two argue, with Sofie calling Mark rude for sounding “just like Benny” (likely just a made-up character). She then does an awkward shuffle which is probably meant to be intimidating.

Despite being warned, Sofie continues to bad-mouth Benny, so Mark punches her in the shoulder. This punch causes her (mannequin) arm to detach from her body. However, it gets trapped in the sleeve of her coat, despite her best efforts to shake it to the ground.

Mark faints at the sight, and Sofie squeezes a bottle of ketchup onto the ground to really drive home just how horrendous her injury is, before collapsing.

In the studio, Lasse admits to having many questions, but starts by asking why the ‘Secret Club’ sign was written on the inside of the club’s door. Sofie smartly replies that if ‘Secret Club’ was written on the outside of the club’s door, then the club would no longer be a secret.

Sofie admits that her attempt felt better in real-time, but feels a little long upon rewatching.

When Jonas compliments Sofie’s dancing, she seems confused, so he replicates the awkward shuffling move from her film. In response, both she and Christian insist that move was meant to be Sofie ‘acting cool’.

Lasse awards Sofie second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores