
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jonas paints a cartoon Lasse

Jonas is the fourth to film his attempt at the task, and so gets to choose from the two remaining task briefs. He picks the fourth one, on the second tallest pole, which instructs him to paint the second most accurate portrait of Lasse.

Jonas, who is not particularly artistic, determines that in order to have the best chance at painting the second-most accurate picture of Lasse, he actually needs to really try his best. He retrieves a portrait of Lasse from somewhere in the house as a visual aid.

As Mark holds up the portrait of Lasse for reference, Jonas gets to work, taking notice of the smaller details in the existing painting, such as how Lasse parts his hair. He also focuses on Lasse’s beard, which according to Jonas (who has quite a beard himself), is meant to “compensate for his double chin”.

Jonas does not use all of his allotted painting time, but guesses that his painting is definitely better than Victor’s, which will ultimately be a problem, as he knows that Victor will need to paint the most accurate portrait.

Jonas’ painting of Lasse is quite cartoonish but fairly accurate, though, for some reason, he included a large red dot in the middle of Lasse’s forehead.

Ultimately, Lasse judges Jonas’ painting to be the second-most accurate, so he earns 5 points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores