
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Morgana channels a pizzaiolo

With her hands restrained in handcuffs behind her back, Morgana chooses a top hat from the caravan.

She has to back up into the mailbox to retrieve the task brief from within, a procedure which she likens to “being a vet”.

Morgana begins her attempt by heading to the shed. She initially plans to tape two long grabber tools together, so she can put the hat on Greg from a greater distance. Despite the pain and struggles from trying to do this while handcuffed, she successfully manages to tape the two grabbers together. However, she soon realises that her idea won’t actually work, since the triggers on the handles of the tools only operate the claws they are directly attached to, so her extended version would not function as she’d hoped.

She instead resorts to removing the tape again, and then using just one of the grabbers to place the hat onto Greg’s statue. As she does so, she keeps repeating the phrase “like a pizza” to herself, presumably referring to the act of placing a pizza into an oven using a pizza peel. She drops the hat several times, but eventually gets it onto Greg’s head before Alex blows his whistle.

Morgana places her hat onto the statue’s head from exactly 1 metre and 80 centimetres away (equivalent to exactly one Rowan Atkinson, according to Alex) and earns last place.

(Written by M3 / Andres Sanchez and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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