
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kiell is accidentally stupid

Kiell dresses up as a magician, with a drawn-on moustache, and asks Alex if he likes magic, as he exits the caravan. He then performs the ‘rubber pencil illusion’ with his magician’s wand, which doesn’t impress Alex much.

In front of the caravan, a big wagon wheel has been set up, on top of a bin, between Kiell and Alex. Kiell first gets Alex used to putting his hands through the spokes of the wheel, by passing a golf ball and his wand back and forth with him. He then hands Alex two large bottles with labels which read “ALEX’S TEARS, DO NOT SPILL”, and asks him to hold them there, before placing a small rubber duck on top of each of them.

Kiell then re-reads the task brief, before claiming that Alex is now doing something stupid, as he is now “trapped” by holding the bottles through the spokes. As Kiell leaves the scene, though, Alex is easily able to manoeuvre both bottles back through the gaps between the spokes, much to Kiell’s disappointment, who immediately realises that he had made Alex put his hands through the wrong gaps.

In the studio, Greg restates Kiell what he’d just witnessed him doing, and then admits that it actually does sound stupid. However, Greg decides that Kiell’s stupidity had been accidental, rather than done “in a thoughtful way”. Greg therefore awards Kiell just 1 point.

(Written by M3 / Andres Sanchez and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores