
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Kevin makes a chain of chairs

Kevin starts by attempting to shoot rubber bands at the candle, hoping to knock it off of the table.

He then leaves the room and starts throwing heavier items at the candle, but his throws consistently miss.

Kevin then posits a hypothetical to Antoine: if he were to pull the table away, causing the candle to fall over and go out, would that count as extinguishing the candle? Antoine muses that it most likely would.

Kevin then gathers some tall chairs from another room, and lays them on the floor in a line, leading into the adjoining room. From the doorway, he then pushes the line of chairs towards the table, which results in the candle falling off of it and onto the ground, extinguishing it in the process.

In the studio, Kevin crows about his victory. Phil, impersonating Kevin and his speech mannerisms, chimes in with “Bro! The candle is dead, man!”, thus coining the episode title.

Kevin extinguishes the candle from 16 metres away, and wins the task. However, he does not immediately realise this, initially believing that he has lost to Mona. When Phil and Mona correct this assumption, Kevin stands and proudly dons an imaginary crown.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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