
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne argues with Louis

Marie-Lyne chooses to balance the mints on her bridge.

She starts threading mints over a few strands of spaghetti, and complains about the process being time-consuming.

She quietly gets on with the task, and after threading all but four of her mints onto the spaghetti, she balances it across the coconuts, and then places the remaining mints carefully on top of it.

After Marie-Lyne claims to have finished the task first, Louis goes over to check her construction, and alleges that one of the mints is actually touching one of the coconuts. Marie-Lyne insists that he is incorrect, and the two have a brief argument about it, before Marie-Lyne’s loose mints fall off of her bridge, forcing her to return to her construction.

As Tammy and Marie-Lyne start stacking their final mints on top of their bridges, Kevin carefully walks over to Louis’ throne and sits on top of him, to make sure that he does not once again cause disaster for them by walking across the stage.

After Tammy wins the task, Marie-Lyne, still upset by Louis’ ruling earlier in the task, pulls a Daisy May Cooper and knocks over her entire bridge, insisting that the mints had not been touching the coconuts.

After the task, Marie-Lyne continues to insist that the mints were not touching the coconut and that, if anything, it would have been a hair from the coconut. Phil entreats Louis to at least give Marie-Lyne 1 point, which he does.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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