
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone estimates object lengths

Behrouz is chosen to be the task brief reader. As he is firmly in last place in the episode, he asks if its possible that the winner of the task could earn 15 points. David denies this request, but asks that Behrouz play the game with them anyway.

In the first round, David extends a dog leash. The contestants place their markers on the runway in the following order (from shortest to longest): Johan, Mauri, Behrouz, Maria, then Charlotta. The dog leash stops extending when it reaches a point between Mauri and Behrouz’s markers, and Charlotta is the first eliminated, earning one point.

In the second round, David extends a tape measure. The remaining contestants place their markers in the following order (from shortest to longest): Mauri, Behrouz, Maria, and then Johan. Mauri and Maria’s markers are already quite close together, and Mauri is exasperated when Behrouz chooses to slide his marker in between the two. Behrouz justifies this by stating that he needs the points more than Mauri (who, at this point in the episode, has 11 more points than Behrouz). Johan voices everyone’s estimate that David is using a standard 6 metre tape measure. However, David turns out to actually be using a 12 metre tape measure, and extends it as far as he can, off-stage, before he is stopped by a wall. Mauri is the second eliminated, earning 2 points.

In the third round, David extends a vacuum cleaner. The remaining contestants place their markers in the following order (from shortest to longest): Maria, Behrouz, and then Johan. Just as in the original version of this task, the vacuum cleaner has an unusually short power cord but, unlike in the original version, the length of the vacuum tube is also taken into account. Johan is the third eliminated, earning 3 points.

In the fourth and final round, David extends a telescopic ladder. Behrouz and Maria place their markers very close together, but Behrouz makes a slightly shorter estimate than Maria. The fully-extended ladder stops just before Behrouz’s marker. Maria is eliminated, and Behrouz wins the task. They earn 4 and 5 points, respectively.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)