
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Johan and David argue over duct tape

While setting up his chain reaction, Johan muses that “If there is duct tape, there is hope”, thus coining the episode title. David replies that this is something he often says, and Johan swiftly counters that he said it long before David ever did. This turns into a running argument between the two men, with David insisting that he’s used the phrase for the past seven years (i.e. since Bäst i Test has been on the air), and Johan insisting that he first said it in 2012. This argument continues throughout Johan’s entire building process (and even briefly in the studio), with a brief hiatus wherein the two men discuss what kind of background music will be put over the footage of Johan’s building process.

Johan’s intended chain reaction starts with him raking the gravel driveway. There is a string attached to the rake, which will pull two bowling pins off of an oil drum. These two pins are held in position by a cane and a few strips of the ever-important duct tape. Attached to the bowling pins, there is another length of string, the other end of which is attached to the trigger of the leaf-blower, which is resting on the workbench. The leaf-blower is then meant to blow a ball off of the workbench. Attached to the ball by the ever-important duct tape, there is a thin pipe, which is connected like a lever to the trigger of the BB gun.

Johan’s attempt is successful, and the balloon pops.

Johan’s eight-step chain reaction, earns him second place, and he also earns a bonus point for incorporating the leaf-blower.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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