
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Romesh absolutely smashes it

Image of Romesh Ranganathan shoving a large block of ice off of a small table in front of the Taskmaster house.Image of Romesh pulverising the remaining chunks of ice with a garden spade.

Romesh immediately identifies that the task is ‘a temperature-raising exercise’.

However, his first act is to shove the ice block off of its table, onto the driveway, upon which half of the block appears to disintegrate immediately.

Having proven an effective technique, Romesh puts the block back on the table and tries it again, several times, with much less satisfactory results.

He then tries attacking it with a garden spade, with little effect, before picking the block back up and chucking it back at the driveway from the top of the few steps in front of the Taskmaster house’s front door.

He then collects some of the larger broken off chunks in cooking pots, and starts melting them on the cooker hob while he returns outside to cause more destruction.

Realising that additional height increases the effectiveness of the impact, he throws the block from the top of a step-ladder, breaking it into more manageable chunks, which he then throws at the ground once more.

He pulverises the chunks further with his spade, and then finishes them off by pouring table salt and boiling hot water over them.

Despite having apparently very much enjoyed his flurry of destructive activity, Alex reveals that it took Romesh a total of 47 minutes and 30 seconds to completely destroy the block. Based on his time, Greg puts him in fourth place.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Image of Romesh pulverising the remaining chunks of ice with a garden spade.

Attempt Scores