
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Solveig finds a loophole

After reading the task brief, Solveig checks underneath the table, wondering where the pig is. She walks past the pig while searching for it, but then spots it during her second trip through the study.

Solveig initially starts to untie the pig, but when Olli rhetorically asks what the task brief would have to say about that, she admits that she does not remember, and so decides to tie the pig back up and leave it hanging from its ribbon.

In the lab, Solveig rolls out long length of marzipan on the floor, stating to Olli that she does not understand why she would ever want to ‘shorten’ the tail, as specified in the task brief.

She coils the tail up and carries it to the study where, even though she rests the majority of its weight on the desk, it still breaks as she is attaching it to the pig.

When Solveig asks Olli if she can attach the parts of the tail that did not break and fall to the ground, Olli asks if she thinks that would be considered modifying the tail outside of the lab.

Solveig does not seem to alter the design of her tail when she is back in the lab, but she does alters the way that she carries it back to the study. This time, Solveig opts to bunch the tail up in one hand, and then continues to hold onto it after attaching the other end to the pig, insisting to Olli that there was nothing in the task brief about the entire weight of the tail needing to hang from the pig.

With her 258cm tail, Solveig wins the task.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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