
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jonas hedges his bets

Immediately after reading the task brief, Jonas admits that his first idea is to just slap the other Jonas, but he then reassures him that he won’t.

Jonas notes that other Jonas is not particularly pale, which he says will mean it’ll be harder to make him blush, as he thinks that pale people blush more readily.

Jonas looks around at the members of the production team in the room, and notices that Mark has already started blushing. He then wonders out loud if the “this person” referred to in the task brief could refer to Mark, instead of Jonas.

To prove his point, he has Mark stand next to the other Jonas, to compare the two men’s skin tones, and then presses his finger against Mark’s forehead for good measure, pointing out the white circle left behind from the blood displacing.

Jonas decides to see if he can make Mark even more red. He leaves the lab and returns with a spotlight and a decorative heart made with a translucent red film. Jonas then shines the spotlight through the heart, and onto Mark’s face, turning him significantly more red.

Jonas then decides to also shine the red light against other Jonas’ face, just in case. As he does, he asks if this is the most pleasant way that Jonas has been made to blush on the show. Jonas agrees that it is.

As Jonas leaves the room, he jokingly tells Mark to get “that” checked out by a doctor (as though he had spotted something with his light that Mark should be concerned about). He then doubles back and says he should not have made that joke (in 2019, Mark had a cancerous mole removed, which is the reason for the noticeable scar on the back of his head).

In the studio, Lasse rejects Jonas’ interpretation of the “this person” mentioned in the task brief applying Mark, and Jonas agrees that he had hedged his bets by also using the light on the other Jonas.

Jonas earns second place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

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