
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mona’s burstable bust

Mona brings in a set of fake breasts, such as she presumably wears while in drag. She admits that she knows that her prize is rather predictable, but claims that she was forced to bring it as her second option. She explains that she had originally wanted to bring in Marie-Lyne’s ego, but that she didn’t own any photographs of it.

Marie-Lyne plays along with Mona, putting on a dejected face before quietly telling Louis that he should not award Mona any points, not only for her bullying, but for subjecting the children who watch the show to her fake breasts.

Mona argues that her entry is not pornographic, as babies are nourished from breasts; that the children who watch the show are not too long removed from breastfeeding; and that her prize might therefore spark a “nice memory”, at worst.

Louis awards Mona third place, but warns her that she is lucky to score that high, for insulting a woman he likes (before promptly awarding Marie-Lyne last place for her bad prize submission, insisting that he doesn’t like her that much).

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores