
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Mona battles against nature

Supposedly inspired by her hometown’s annual hot-air balloon festival, Mona chooses box A, which gives her access to a leaf-blower, a tank of helium, several uninflated balloons, a long length of twine, a roll of thin ribbon, several noise makers, three tiny buckets (likely meant to hold candles), and some sort of tool kit.

Mona places an egg in each of the tiny buckets, and ties a length of ribbon to each of them, severing it with her teeth (saying “the good lord gave me teeth so I could make the little eggs fly”).

To the other end of one of the tiny buckets, Mona attaches four helium-filled balloons, but is quickly disappointed to learn that even four balloons is not enough to lift the weight of the egg and bucket.

After adding several more balloons, Mona adds an additional long piece of ribbon to the tiny bucket, allowing her to retrieve it, should her plan not work.

Mona then turns on the leaf-blower and attempts to use it to guide the balloons towards the frying pan. Unfortunately, nature is working against Mona that day, as the wind is blowing in completely the opposite direction.

The edit of Mona’s footage makes the end results of her attempt somewhat unclear – she either loses all three eggs, or realises that her strategy will not work and gives up, or just runs out of time.

For failing to get any eggs in her pan, Mona earns no points.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores