
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Marie-Lyne makes a cardboard chute

Marie-Lyne chooses box B, which gives her access to several unfolded cardboard boxes, a roll of duct tape, and a pile of Duplo blocks.

She starts to fit the unfolded boxes together into a sort of chute. However, she soon realises that her box does not contain any scissors, with which to cut the duct tape. Solving this problem by using her teeth, Marie-Lyne duct-tapes several boxes together into what she deems a “precarious” solution.

Not satisfied with the structural integrity of her solution, Marie-Lyne continues to add more cardboard to it, eventually building an actual chute with walls on either side (all of her competitors marvel at this creation, in the studio).

Marie-Lyne then asks Antoine to go and stand next to the oil drums and hold up the other end of her chute, near the frying pan, and he obliges.

Marie-Lyne loses one of her eggs in some footage that does not make the edit. She then drops her second egg into her chute, and it rolls down and lands safely in the frying pan. Elated, Marie-Lyne drops her end of the chute and cheers. When Antoine asks her why she’d let go of her end, she replies only that she is happy. Antoine quickly reminds her that the task was to get “the most eggs” and not just “one egg”. However, since the chute has left the patio, Marie-Lyne has no way to retrieve it to continue.

As the only contestant to get any eggs into their frying pan, Marie-Lyne wins the task by default.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

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