
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Josh counts some baked beans

Image of Josh counting baked beans.

Josh opens up the tin of baked beans and pours them into one side of the ceramic baking dish, then proceeds to count the baked beans while sliding them over into the opposite corner of the dish with his fingers.

It appears that he eventually removes the counted beans from the dish to make room as he counts, piling them up, next to the dish, on the table.

He ultimately announces that there are 406 beans in a baked bean tin.

Back in the studio, Greg thanks him for answering the question he had posed before the commercial break, and moves on with the show, while Josh deals with the discovery that he was the only contestant asked to complete the menial task, for which Greg confirms he will receive no points.

Note: later in the episode, Greg does decide to award Josh one point for his work on this and two other solo menial tasks, meaning he effectively earned one third of a point for this.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

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