
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Leo makes a marzipan dildo

After reading the task brief, Leo offers up beatboxing as a possible solution. Although Olli replies that beatboxing is not beneath his dignity, he unfortunately does not go on to prove otherwise.

Remembering Olli’s food allergies, Leo sources a block of marzipan (likely left over from the ‘Pin a marzipan tail on the marzipan pig’ task, which, based on Leo’s clothing, was shot on the same day).

Not content with simply eating a bite of the marzipan, Leo uses the marzipan to do something else that he presumably also believes to be beneath Olli’s dignity: sculpt a sex toy.

He then proffers his marzipan phallus towards Olli, who politely declines it.

In the studio, Atle expresses his confusion over the direction of Leo’s attempt. Leo explains that, as a Finnish man, Olli would often be in a sauna with other naked men, but he questions whether acknowledging the homoerotic nature of the situation would be beneath Olli’s dignity – while also biting into something to which he is allergic. Atle questions whether Olli refusing to eat something due to allergies is the same as refusing to do something because it’s beneath his dignity. Drawing an analogy, he points out that a person who cannot walk remaining at the bottom of a staircase is not doing so because it would be beneath their dignity to ascend.

Olli seems to agree with Atle’s logic, as he awards Leo fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)

Attempt Scores