
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone plays ‘Louis says…’

Louis says that the contestants must put their hands on their heads, and everyone does.

Antoine then says that the contestants must put their hand on the contestant on their right. Virginie mistakenly follows this instruction, eliminating herself from the game, and earning herself last place. Meanwhile, Mélissa’s arms come off of her own head as she starts to lose her balance, and she eventually she puts her foot down, also eliminating herself from the game, and earning fourth place.

While Antoine starts reading the next set of instructions, Pierre – whose strategy had been to lightly rest his foot on top of the balloon – accidentally pops it, also eliminating himself from the game, and earning third place.

While pretending to argue with Louis about his elimination, Pierre then purposefully steps on and pops Mélissa’s balloon.

Louis says that the contestants must bend forward, as though they are about to bow. Both Patrice and Pier-Luc manage to do this, although Pier-Luc’s hands come off of his head while doing so, and he is not called out on it.

Antoine then says that the two men must twerk, and neither of them do.

Louis then says that the two men must twerk (and then, “twerk again”), and both men awkwardly comply, though Louis has to warn Patrice to watch his foot, as it had strayed away from his balloon.

Louis then says that the contestants must do a little jump, so both do a tiny hop.

Antoine then says that the contestants must put their foot down, and neither do, but while both men remove their hands from their heads, neither are called out on it.

Louis then says that the two men must squat, which they carefully do.

Louis then says that they must change balloons, leading Pier-Luc and Patrice to hop past one another in an almost choreographed manner. Pier-Luc realises that he doesn’t have to specifically swap balloons with Patrice, so he takes over Virginie’s abandoned balloon instead, as it is the closest one to him. Patrice, however, is forced to hop over to Pier-Luc’s old balloon, as it is the only remaining alternative and un-popped balloon.

Louis says that the contestants must jump up and down 10 times. After both men do so, Pier-Luc realises that even if he wins the task, he will still not win the episode. Patrice, likely coming to the same realisation, proposes to Pier-Luc that they should both pop their balloons at the same time. Pier-Luc agrees to this deal, and both men count to three. However, Pier-Luc feigns movement, while Patrice actually pops his balloon. Patrice is therefore eliminated, and Pier-Luc wins the task.

However, in the summary of the task scores, Louis admits to having “an ethical problem” with Pier-Luc’s treachery, so he swaps his score with Patrice’s, making Patrice the official winner of the task, and placing Pier-Luc second [note: this ruling isn’t entirely unjustified - as noted earlier, Pier-Luc’s hands had come off of his head first, when it was down to just him and Patrice, which technically should have eliminated him]. This ultimately becomes an actual punishment for Pier-Luc, though, as it means that instead of tying for second place in the episode, he is knocked down to third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by David Fuller)