
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ingar drops some f-bombs

When introducing the footage of Ingar’s attempt, Olli dubs Ingar “the king of swearing”.

Ingar immediately throws the duck over the wall without any sort of strategy, before taking the time to look behind the wall and discover the actual position of the bucket, when he goes to retrieve the duck.

He re-reads the task brief, and reasons that while he has to stand in the hole, the duck does not necessarily need to be thrown from that position.

Ingar tries balancing the duck on a support beam on the back of the wall, just above the bucket. While he does so, he drops an f-bomb, then immediately says that people shouldn’t swear on television, but acknowledges that he swears quite a bit, as he comes from Torshov. He then swears again, and Olli glibly replies that he “shouldn’t fucking do that”.

After much trial and error, Ingar finally manages to get the duck balanced on the support beam. He then picks up a toy truck from the sandbox, stands in the hole, and throws it at the wall. His plan works, and the duck drops directly into the bucket.

Ingar completes the task in 5 minutes and 8 seconds – the majority of which was spent just getting the duck into place – and earns third place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores