
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Nora throws bowling balls

When introducing the footage of Nora’s attempt, Olli dubs Nora “the wrecking ball”.

Nora’s attempt begins with her seemingly having already come to the same realisation that Ingar had: that even though she needs to be in the hole, the duck does not necessarily need to be thrown from that position.

Nora places the duck on top of the wall, directly above the bucket, and then fetches a rake. However, she quickly realises that the rake is too short for her to use to reach the duck, so goes off in search of something longer.

Nora soon returns with a few long sticks, and spends quite a bit of time attaching them to the end of the rake. When her stick construction buckles under its own weight, Nora has the idea to just throw it at the wall, and let the impact dislodge the duck from the top.

After trying and failing to with the rake, Nora switches to throwing bowling balls at the wall, instead. Although this does dislodge the duck from the top of the wall, it unfortunately falls in the wrong direction, landing in the sandbox.

After several failures using this method, Nora realises that the duck just needs to be placed differently on top of the wall, and so she positions it so that most of it is dangling off of the edge of the wall above the bucket.

Standing in the hole, Nora again throws a bowling ball against the wall and, this time, the duck tips off in the correct direction, hits the rim of the bucket, and lands inside.

Nora completes the task in 12 minutes and 13 seconds, and earns fourth place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores