
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Ingrid makes a gondola

After reading the task brief, Ingrid immediately runs behind the wall to see where the bucket is placed. She then turns to Olli and admits that she’s already “completely mentally broken.”

However, some inspiration does apparently strike her, as she eventually decides to make what she calls a “gondola” for the duck out of a riding helmet, some masking tape, and a length of rope. In a time-consuming process, Ingrid throws the rope over the wall, wraps it around the bucket’s handle, and sends the rest back over the wall.

She then stands in the hole and tries to use her pulley system to send the duck in its gondola over the top of the wall. However, with her first pull of the rope, she actually starts to lift the bucket up towards the top of the wall. Ingrid’s subsequent rope pulls do start moving the riding helmet and duck up towards the top of the wall as planned but, unbeknownst to her, her pulling has also tilted the bucket towards the wall, meaning that the duck will not be able to enter it.

One particularly strong pull then leads to Ingrid falling down, and also brings the bucket right up to the top of the wall. Frustrated at the failure of her plan, Ingrid then pulls the rope again, sending the bucket flying over the wall and landing where she had previously been standing.

After placing the bucket back behind the wall, Ingrid thinks over the task wording again, realising that while she cannot move the wall, there is nothing forbidding her from wrecking it.

She then busts a hole in the wall just above the bucket and, with a patio chair in place as a backboard, underhand-throws the duck through the new hole and directly into the bucket.

Ingrid completes the task in 13 minutes and 27 seconds, and earns last place.

(Written by Jenny R and edited by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)