Episode 2: Absolutely ge-fill
![Image of the title card at the start of this episode, showing a task brief with the show title, 'Kongen Befaler', and the episode title, 'Absolutt gefyll' ['Absolutely filled'], on a wooden desk. At the edges of the image, part of a typewriter keyboard and a stack of leather-bound books can be seen. Image of the title card at the start of this episode, showing a task brief with the show title, 'Kongen Befaler', and the episode title, 'Absolutt gefyll' ['Absolutely filled'], on a wooden desk. At the edges of the image, part of a typewriter keyboard and a stack of leather-bound books can be seen.](/images/episodes/kongen_befaler_03_02_framed.png)
Episode synopsis
In this episode the contestants must bring in something Atle doesn't know the price of, put the most balls in a tube, fill glasses with the same amount of soda, pop a popcorn kernel, and draw as many playing cards as possible.
Title context
'Absolutely ge-fill' was a phrase used by Olli Wermskog in reference to Egil Hegerberg's performance in the 'Fill the glasses with the same amount of soda' task. The original Norwegian title is hard to translate to English because it includes a pun of sorts. In the episode, Egil talks about having a good ear for music, appending the prefix 'ge' to the verb stem 'hør' ('hear'), similar to how past participles are formed in the German language, to create the word 'gehør'. Olli then jokes that Egil had an ear for filling the glass, leading to the creation of the word 'gefyll', using the same structure but for the verb stem 'fyll' ('fill').
Alternate Titles
- On Sweden's SVT Play streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Ta det lugnt med bollarna', which translates as 'Be careful with the balls'. This is a reference to the 'Put the most balls in the tube' task. [Translator credit: DANI]
Taskmaster Intro
Welcome to Kongen Befaler! Sit back and throw your legs on the stool, because tonight these five will try to walk away with one of Norway's most generous grand prizes: a bust in gold... of me.
Assistant Intro
And the man who draws a tape measure faster than his own shadow, Olli Wermskog.
Episode stats

Episode scores
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: anonymous
- Norwegian Credit: Helge Haaland (Iyuno-SDI Group)