Episode 2: A political hotcake

Air date:
Episode synopsis
In this episode the contestants must bring in the best thing inside a thing, keep a balloon in the air, dramatically smash the vase (and then reassemble it), write and perform a new national anthem, and draw a map of New Zealand using yeast spread.
Title context
'A political hotcake' is a reference to the 'Write and perform a national anthem' task.
Alternate Titles
- On Sweden's SVT Play streaming platform, this episode is titled 'Nationalsånger med ånger', which translates as 'National anthems with regret'. This is a reference to the 'Write and perform a national anthem' task, and the regret that several of the contestants felt about their creations. Also, the words 'nationalsånger' and 'ånger' rhyme, which makes it catchy. [Translator credit: DANI]
Taskmaster Intro
Welcome along! This is Taskmaster. My name is Jeremy Wells, and for the duration of this television programme, I am the Taskmaster. What does that mean? It means that many months ago, five comedians attempted a series of tasks set by me. Tonight, we will watch them attempt these tasks, and delight in watching them struggle to do very simple things.
Assistant Intro
Assisting with the tasks as my trusted assistant, the Robin to my Batman, the Piglet to my Pooh, the Newsboy to my Havoc, Paul Williams.
Taskmaster's Sign-off
It has been a night of learning. We've learnt that peanut butter can fix anything, a leaf blower is a balloon's worst enemy. And we've learnt that our episode two winner is none other than Madeleine Sami.
Official episode video
This is a full episode video from an official YouTube channel source. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.
Official podcast episode
Episode stats

Points Awarded
