
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Arrange the playdough / Separate the playdough while blindfolded

  • In this two-part live studio task, the contestants are first instructed to do something with the coloured playdough balls which encourages them to mix them up in some manner (e.g. 'make an arrangement', or 'make a fine work of art').
  • They are then blindfolded before the second part of the task, in which they are instructed to separate the playdough by colour.
  • They may be asked to do different things with the dough of different colours (e.g. flatten balls of one colour, throw balls of another colour into a bucket, and combine balls of the third colour into one), or may just be told to return the dough to the plate of the corresponding colour.

Original version

Task types:

In this version of the task the contestants have to first make an 'arrangement' of the balls. After being blindfolded, they then have to separate the balls and do the correct things to them, according to their colour.

Adapted versions

In this version of the task the contestants have to first make an 'arrangement' of the balls. After being blindfolded, they then have to separate the balls and do the correct things to them, according to their colour. There is no rule against removing one's goggles.
In this version of the task, the contestants are first instructed to make a work of fine art with the playdough. They are then blindfolded and instructed to correctly return the dough to the coloured plates.