Manuel Marques

Manuel Pedro Correia de Oliveira Marques (born 9 May 1975) is a Portuguese actor.
He participated in the Manobras de Divisão ['Splitting Manoeuvres'] project, both in theatre and on television.
He worked with Herman José on the programmes Herman SIC, Hora H and, between 2010 and 2013, on the talk show presented by Herman on RTP.
He appeared in the films Julgamento ['Judgment'] (2007), O Pátio das Cantigas ['The Courtyard of Songs'] (2015) and O Leão da Estrela ['The Lion of the Star'] (2015).
He was part of the cast of the second and third series of Os Contemporâneos ['The Contemporaries'] and played one of the main roles in the Portuguese version of the musical Os Produtores ['The Producers'], by Mel Brooks.
He also starred in the programme O Que Se Passou Foi Isto ['What Happened Was This'], and could be seen in the television version of O Inimigo Público ['The Public Enemy'].
He has also participated in several animated film dubbings.
[Source: Wikipedia Portugal, 18/04/2022.]
Contestant stats

Task attempts
Taskmaster PT > Season 1
A kind of egg of Columbus
- Manuel's scary Pop It
- Manuel tries to put 50 things in the bin
- Manuel creates a portrait of Nuno
- Manuel makes a parachute for a spoon
- Everyone tries to get dressed while handcuffed
- Manuel does something impressive in reverse
- Manuel puts something big through a doughnut
- Manuel's ringtone choreography
- Everyone blows up balloons while blindfolded