Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!
Here are the results we found on TMI for your search query.
Task: Perform a synchronised dance / Sabotage your dance (Bäst i Test)
Task: Reassemble a keyboard / Type a message to the Taskmaster (Bäst i Test)
Task: Dramatically smash the vase / Reassemble the vase (Bäst i Test)
Task: Complete the five tasks in any order (Bäst i Test)
Task: Cover your legs in cling film and duct tape / Pose as The Little Mermaid (Bäst i Test)
Task: Join the video chat dressed as Santa Claus (Bäst i Test)
Task: Put all the table tennis balls back in the bag (Bäst i Test)
Task: Task bingo (Bäst i Test)