Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!
Here are the results we found on TMI for your search query.
Task: The most interesting metre-high thing (Juniori Suurmestari)
Task: The most impressive green thing (Juniori Suurmestari)
Task: Write a poem about your idol (Juniori Suurmestari)
Task: Pop on a onesie inside a rocket and flamboyantly introduce yourself (Juniori Suurmestari)
Task: The most perplexing thing to wear on your head that isn’t a hat (Juniori Suurmestari)
Task: The most interesting thing to turn upside-down (Juniori Suurmestari)
Task: Shoot a Suurmestari-themed video (Juniori Suurmestari)