Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!
Here are the results we found on TMI for your search query.
Task: Do something impressive under the table while waving (Taskmaster UK)
Task: Act out nursery rhymes (Taskmaster UK)
Task: Fart (Taskmaster UK)
Task: Complete the most tasks (Taskmaster UK)
Task: Get out of the front gate (Taskmaster UK)
Task: Down a pint and nod you head (The Taskmaster)
Task: Complete various tasks while saying ‘metronome’ (Taskmaster UK)
Task: Perform the greatest aircraft safety demonstration (Taskmaster UK)
Task: Appear as different as possible in four photos (Taskmaster UK)
Task: Shove your fish (Taskmaster UK)
Task: Direct a teammate into the red circle (Taskmaster UK)