
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Make a shocking revelation

Task types:
Single brief

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Make the most shocking revelation.

The most shocking revelation wins.

You have eight weeks.

Your time starts now.

Task notes

It looks like there are no notes yet for this task. Someone's probably working on it, though!

Task stats



Here's a description of the contestants' attempts. Someone's probably working on collecting some images to add later!

  • Mahamad’s shocking revelation comes in the form of his health insurance card and a stand-up routine. Mahamad is a refugee living in Denmark, and he reveals that when his father filled out the paperwork needed to get new identification, he put down several erroneous things on Mahamad’s official paperwork. For example, Mahamad’s name isn’t actually Mahamad; it’s Muhammad. His father spelled Mahamad’s name incorrectly (in this case, phonetically). Mahamad’s insurance card lists his birthday as November 3, which is also incorrect; in this case, Mahamad’s father just didn’t remember Mahamad’s birthday. Mahamad tells a few more jokes about the situation, ending with the revelation that Mahamad’s paranoid mother told him he needed to pretend that his name was Mahamad and his birthday was November 3, or his father would be arrested. Mahamad earns second place.
  • Anders says that his revelation was broadcast on his show Natholdet in the interim between when he received the task and the studio recordings. A clip is shown of Anders talking to one of his guests and announcing that he will soon be getting a vasectomy. Anders reasons that the biggest revelation is something that is called a surprising revelation by other people. Anders then presents various website news headlines declaring his announcement to be “surprising” and a “wild revelation”. Anders earns fourth place.
  • Neel’s revelation is that she’s shockingly average. She went on a Danish statistics website to compare her life experiences with the average Dane, and found that she fell in line with every single one of them. She was certain that her ability to burp at will (evidenced in the Impress the Ambassador task in Episode 1) would make her something other than average; the website told her that 63% of Danes can also burp on command, and she would in fact be more special if she couldn’t burp at will. She has since come to the conclusion that if someone wants to know something about the average Dane that isn’t listed on the website, they should just Google her name and assume that whatever the answer is will also apply to the average Dane. Neel earns last place.
  • In Episode 4’s “make something grow” task, Jakob grew part of his hair into a rat-tail. Since then, he has worn a hat in the studio. It is finally revealed why in this task: he has shaved off all the curls from the top of his head, leaving him with a hairstyle reminiscent of a monk’s tonsure haircut (with an added rat-tail). Jakob wins the task.
  • Annika puts her shocking revelation in song form. She explains that in the time between being assigned the task and the studio recording session, she did some deep digging on Jodel, an anonymous social media app that only displays content posted in the user’s geographical proximity. Annika sings a song that summarises her time spent on Jodel. The translated lyrics are as follows (they rhyme in the original Danish): "It was my friend Jesper who asked me: / “Do you know Jodel?” and I answered, “No”. / “It’s a terrible place, you must never go there”. / Four second later, I had downloaded the app, / And it was summer, on Saint John’s Eve, / And I fell for a thread about Vild Med Dans [Dancing With the Stars]. / I completely disappeared in / Saszeline’s [a singer] coronavirus theory. / Jodeleihi! Jodeleiho! / I didn’t find a single thread that said that Lasse was smart. / Jodeleihi! Jodeleiho! / There was nothing about Lasse’s IQ. / I peeled and peeled, and suddenly there it was: / A damn thread about Annika Aakjaer. / Someone wanted to know if she was into boys or girls. / One said, “She’s a lesbian, that’s the vibe she gives”. / Jodeleihi! Jodeleiho! / But I still found no threads that said that Lasse is smart. / Jodeleihi! Jodeleiho! / No, nothing about his fucking IQ. / There are actually also some threads about Anders B. / But I’ll only mention the one where you wear diapers. / Neel, is there going to be a Tinka 3? / Jodel already broke the news! / And Habane [Mahamad], he’s on Tinder. / Thrane [Jakob] will run to get his phone to find you! / Jodeleihi! Jodeleiho! / There isn’t a single thread that claims that Lasse is smart. / Jodeleihi! Jodeleiho! / There’s nothing about his IQ. / And Mark. You thought I’d forgotten you. / In fact, I was just saving you. / At the very end, [a singer will] talk over a verse, / Because it’s getting really sad. / “What about Mark Le Fêvre? Did he not get enough oxygen?” / “His head is so round, and he sweats wildly.” / Jodeleihi! Jodeleiho! / I’ll probably make a thread about [Lasse] being smart. / Jodeleihi! Jodeleiho! / I’ll probably go and write all about your IQ." Annika earns third place.

(Source credit: Jenny R)