
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tim experiences powerful art

Close-up image of Tim Key laughing, when he should be crying, due to some powerful art he has experienced.The art which had such a powerful effect on Tim Key, which depicts a golden bull (representing Wall Street) being projected by the power of its own fart to pin a horned representation of Bernie Madoff against the gallery wall (What You See May Not Be Real, by artist Chen Wenling, 2009).

While cutting up some onions, Tim requests that someone play him a particularly emotional scene from the film The Full Monty, to help him tear up.

He then asks Alex to search for a video of an audition from the film ET.

While continuing to chop onions, he asks Alex to open a second window and search for “powerful art”. However, one of the images returned by the search actually makes him laugh instead of crying.

Despite all his efforts, Tim produces no tears at all during his 20 minutes, placing joint last with Roisin.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

The art which had such a powerful effect on Tim Key, which depicts a golden bull (representing Wall Street) being projected by the power of its own fart to pin a horned representation of Bernie Madoff against the gallery wall (What You See May Not Be Real, by artist Chen Wenling, 2009).

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