
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Josh’s pet accessories jingle

Josh picks out the business card for Double Trouble Co, a company that makes home-made pet accessories and clothes.

Josh calls the company and speaks to Rebecca, claiming that he’s calling from the company Josh’s Jingles. Rebecca explains that they make items for pets, and that her mother-in-law complains that she does all the work. It is at this point that Josh frantically mimes that he needs something to write on, to make notes. Rebecca continues sharing that her mother-in-law has accused her of running a sweat shop. She says the company is named after two cheeky golden retrievers, Sadie and Spencer, and that one of the products is made from a quilt cover that the dogs had started to eat.

Rebecca then asks Josh what his last name is, and says she knows who he is. It is at this point that Josh asks Tom if Rebecca is a real person. He explains to Rebecca that he’d assumed she was an actress, and claims that if he’d known this wasn’t the case, he would have been nicer. He then says he’s glad she knows who he is, and that he wants to do a good job for her.

Josh’s music video for his jingle begins with some images of the golden retrievers and some items from Double Trouble Co’s website, accompanied with some funky music. Josh is then filmed in the garden, wearing a bandana on his head, and singing the following:

Woof-woof, I’m Spencer
and this bandana was once my dinner
Then these cool ladies from Canberra
turned it into something better

Josh then continues singing the following, but now while wearing two bows in his hair:

Hey there baby, my name’s Sadie
This might sound a little crazy
But these bows, they are sustainable
at prices that are attainable

Josh is then seen wearing a brown wig, saying “My name is Sharon, and, guys, I’m actually… I’m tired. I’m really, really tired. Please don’t forget that we sell poop bags too at doubletroubleco.com.au”. Josh then jumps up and fires a confetti cannon, while shouting “Not a sweat shop!” Tom also sets off a confetti cannon, but has a bit of difficulty, so does it a few seconds after Josh.

In the studio, Tom Gleeson says that Josh’s jingle was great. Josh says that he wouldn’t buy their products, but he hopes that someone watching will, because Rebecca had seemed really nice on the phone, and he felt like he was rude to her. At this point, Tom Cashman reveals that she’s in the audience. Josh is very excited and waves at her, saying “Thank you so much for knowing who I am”, before needily asking her if she would have known everyone on the panel. When Rebecca reveals that she has a gift bag, Josh asks if it's for him, and she responds that it was, until he’d said he wouldn’t buy her products. Josh apologises and explains that he was just making light-hearted TV, as he runs up to collect it from her. Returning to his seat, Josh looks inside the bag and pulls out an iPhone, which Rebecca had accidentally left in there.

Josh wins the task and earns 5 points.

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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