
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pamela the nascent magician

Pamela is initially overwhelmed by the task, wondering what ‘astonishment’ could possibly be found in a pea.

She searches the kitchen, seemingly making up her plan as she goes, and raiding the refrigerator for ingredients. She pours some milk into a bowl, and then cracks a few eggs into it. However, her third egg turns out not to have a yolk inside, but rather, a single pea – revealing that Pamela’s kitchen panic was all an act, and that she was, in fact, performing a magic trick.

In the studio, Jaakko – who has not been particularly impressed with anyone’s attempts – acknowledges that there was at least some semblance of astonishment in Pamela’s attempt, before quickly clarifying that the most astonishing part was the fact that Pamela (who is not a magician) was astonished that she’d managed to make her own magic trick work.

Jaakko initially awards Pamela joint first place, but only 3 points. However, when Pamela protests his scoring, he knocks her down to second place (with 2 points) in retaliation.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores