
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Pamela is bad with names

Pamela is particularly distressed by the task, as she claims that she’s never able to remember anything.

She is first instructed to remember audience member 5’s name. She remembers that his name is either Sami (the correct answer) or Jami (actually audience member 3’s name), but unfortunately decides to guess the latter.

Pamela is then instructed to name audience member 14. She panics, as she has no idea what the woman’s name is (it’s Tuuli). Jaakko attempts to assist Pamela by asking what name the woman looks like she might have. Pamela, remembering that one of the women near the end of the line had the name Milja, incorrectly makes this as her guess (Milja was audience member 9).

Finally, Pamela is instructed to name audience member 6. She remembers that she had come up with a mnemonic for the man’s name (though she doesn’t share what this was) and, after thinking, hesitantly (but correctly) guesses that he is Tuomas.

Jaakko ultimately awards 1 point per name correctly guessed, so Pamela earns joint third place, with 1 point.

(Written by Jenny R and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by Jenny R and adjusted by Karl Craven)

Attempt Scores