
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Wil’s colonoscopy toilet paper

Before presenting his prize submission, Wil points out that things haven’t gone too well for him so far in the show, when he’s gone too literal on tasks. He says that his first thought was to bring in some toilet paper, but he’d realised he’d need to elevate it this somehow, to earn any points.

Wil reveals that he has therefore had an image of the inside of his bowels, taken during a colonoscopy, printed on a roll of toilet paper. He explains that you can get anything you want printed on toilet paper, and shares that he’d made the printer he’d used sign a confidentiality agreement.

When Tom Gleeson says that he finds Wil’s still quite literal interpretation less exciting than some of the other prize submissions, Wil begins to protest, claiming that he really did have a career before appearing on the show, and pointing out that he’d given a man three pictures of his bowels for the prize.

Tom ranks Wil’s prize just above Josh’s, so Wil earns 2 points.

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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