Episode 8: Dingo dongo

Episode synopsis
In this episode, the contestants must bring in an object that has really seen some shit, break a dozen eggs from the furthest distance, correctly identify items through a mattress, show a different side of themselves, and blow bubbles through a hoop.
Title context
While summarising his own performance in the ‘Break a dozen eggs from the furthest distance’ task, Josh Thomas says “Bingo-bango. Bob’s your uncle. Let’s go home, dingo-dongo.”
Taskmaster Intro
Hello, and welcome to Taskmaster. My name is Tom Gleason, and to all of the critics watching who all season long have alleged that, as a host, I lack range, and that I’m too curmudgeonly – that I suffocate the playful Taskmaster spirit – I say, look at this. Are you happy? Competing series-long for this, my honeyed spud, are five comedians, all of whom have made verbal commitments to being the least-spudded versions of themselves.
Assistant Intro
And sitting by me… If you think the tiny throne he sits on is sad, you should see the bare mattress on the floor in his bedroom. It’s my assistant, Tom Cashman.
Taskmaster's Sign-off
And there we have it. Eight episodes down, and what have we learned? We learned that Anne’s outfit looks good on a mannequin, but even better on Josh. We learned that Lloyd loves skipping stones almost as much as he loves skipping out on his family to have torrid affairs. And Wil taught us way more than we wanted to know about what the inside of his beast hole looks like. Congrats once more to our winner, Josh. And goodnight to all you winners!
Official episode video
This is a full episode video from an official YouTube channel source. Due to international streaming rights, it may be blocked in your region.
Episode stats

Episode scores
There are some discrepancies between the official total scores for this episode and the points seen to be awarded during the episode. Both sets of scores, and the discrepancies between them, are displayed below.
Notes on discrepancies
- The final scoreboard shows Anne as having 13 points, when it should have said 14, since she’d just won a single point – along with Josh – in the live team task. Fortunately, this does not affect who is named as the winner of the episode, and the error is not carried over into the season scoreboard updates shown in the following episodes.
The following episode subtitle files are available for download.
- English Credit: Red Bee Media