
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Jenny delegates poorly

Jenny decides to make someone else break the eggs for her, while she is far away.

She gives the eggs to Tom Cashman and tells him to head down to the dock and break the eggs. When Tom asks her to be more specific with her instructions on how he should do this, Jenny tells him “You take one of these eggs, and then you chuck it really hard on the ground, and make sure the eggshell is absolutely smashed. And if it’s not smashed, make sure you step on it with your foot.”

While Tom heads off with the eggs to complete his errand, Jenny begins to worry about whether her instructions were clear enough. She is right to be worried, since Tom decides to take her instructions absolutely literally, and therefore only breaks one of the eggs in the manner in which she had described. He then blows his whistle with the other 11 eggs remaining intact.

Although Tom was 309.5 metres away from Jenny when he broke the egg, her score being halved 11 times results in a final distance of just 15cm, which earns her 1 point.

(Written by Will G and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores