
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Anne tells Josh exactly what to put under the mattress

Josh volunteers to collect the items to place under the mattress, which Anne is very happy with because she wants a lie down.

Josh begins with a guitar and a bowling pin, both of which Anne correctly identifies under her head, through the mattress. He then removes the pillows from the mattress, to make it easier for Anne to identify what’s beneath, before heading off to collect more items.

Josh returns and places a ping-pong ball under the mattress, which Anne can’t even feel, and she incorrectly identifies it as a gun. Josh then puts something else under the mattress, and Anne again incorrectly guesses that it’s a gun. Josh then places an empty packet underneath the mattress, and Anne once again guesses that it’s a gun.

Having spotted a pattern, Josh leaves the lab and retrieves several toy guns from around the house. However, at this point Anne decides to diverge from her gun-guessing strategy, and instead starts guessing that the items are things such as toy cars or balls.

Anne then has the idea that she can tell Josh to put specific things under the mattress, and will then always be able to identify them correctly. She tells him to fetch a leg, so he finds a mannequin leg and places it beneath the mattress, and she identifies it correctly.

In order to speed the process up, Josh tells Anne to list five things for him to fetch, but she struggles to do so, leading to a small argument in which Anne insists that Josh call her a “stupid bitch”, since she can sense that’s what he’s thinking. After he eventually relents, Anne asks him to fetch ‘Textas’ (an Australian brand of marker pens), a target from the wall, and a water bottle.

After Josh returns with the requested items and Anne correctly identifies them, they repeat the process again with glue, a poster, and a scarf.

Anne then has the idea to instead order Josh to places specific parts of himself beneath the mattress, so he doesn’t even have to keep leaving the room. Using this strategy, Anne correctly identifies Josh’s shoe, Josh in his entirety, and then Josh’s ass.

In total, The Premium Economy Hooley Dooleys correctly identify 16 items and win the task, earning 5 points.

(Written by Will G and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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