
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone tries to blow bubbles through a hoop

In the first round, Lloyd blows a number of bubbles from the spot. Wil does quite well in guiding a bubble towards the hoop with his fan, but it unfortunately bursts before it gets there. Josh and Anne calmly throw peas from the sideline, and Josh is heard saying that he’d managed to burst a bubble. The Discount Wiggles ultimately fail to get any bubbles through the hoop.

In the second round, Anne blows a lot of bubbles from the spot, but they seem to all end up very close to the floor. Anne tells Josh to concentrate on just one bubble. He initially says that he’s just trying to keep them all in the air, before adding that he doesn't think he is very good at it. He tries to protect the last few remaining bubbles from the peas being thrown at them by the other team. However, all of the bubbles pop, and so The Premium Economy Hooley Dooleys fail to get any through the hoop.

In the third round, Jenny begins to blow some bubbles. Josh throws some peas in her direction and bursts the one bubble she’d managed to create. Josh then runs around the stage with Jenny in pursuit of him, calling him an “Absolute bastard”. The Discount Wiggles therefore fail again to get any bubbles through the hoop.

In the fourth round, Josh blows some bubbles from the spot. Most of them pop on their own or get popped by peas. Anne manages to get one bubble very close to the hoop as Josh encourages her by shouting “Come on mummy!” Anne does a good job of protecting the bubble from the other team, but it eventually pops. The Premium Economy Hooley Dooleys therefore fail again to get any bubbles through the hoop.

In the fifth round, Jenny has another go at blowing bubbles, although she says she is scared to blow after her previous attempt. She succeeds this time in creating a good number of bubbles. Lloyd manages to get one bubble all the way to the goal, but it is slightly too high and pops against the hoop. The Discount Wiggles therefore fail yet again to get any bubbles through the hoop.

In the sixth and final round, Anne confirms with Josh that she is the bubble blower, before picking up the market spot and running towards the hoop with it. Placing it back down on the floor right next to the goal, she then manages to blow a bubble straight through the hoop, despite the other team throwing peas at her. She then screams and falls to the floor as Tom Cashman blows the whistle.

Tom Cashman confirms that there was nothing written in the rules to state that you could not move the spot, while Tom Gleeson calls it a ‘Hand of God’ moment and states that The Premium Economy Hooley Dooleys were “playing dirty”. He also states that it had felt like a one-nil win at a major world cup event, so he awards Josh and Anne just 1 point each for their win, while The Discount Wiggles earn no points.

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)