
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Lloyd threatens to crank his hog

Lloyd begins by attaching slices of marshmallow to the balloon, by simply pressing them onto the balloon’s surface. The balloon briefly leans downwards, before floating back upright again.

Lloyd ultimately attaches a total of two and a quarter marshmallow to the balloon, and says he feels that this will keep the balloon between the flags.

With four minutes remaining on the clock, Tom Cashman asks Lloyd if he wants to do anything else, and he says “Yeah, eat some goddamn marshmallows!”. While the clock runs down and Lloyd eats marshmallows, he says “You’d better believe I’m going to start cranking my hog if that stays between the flags”. He then picks up a sock and suggests that is what the sock was intended for.

As the crane releases the balloon, it floats straight up to the ceiling, leading Lloyd to observe that “that could have went better.”

In the studio, when Tom Gleeson asks Lloyd if he’d do anything differently, if he was to attempt the task again, Lloyd says he reckons that adding another quarter of a marshmallow would have worked perfectly.

Lloyd also shares that there had been many tasks that he doesn’t want to think about ever again, but that he would be happy keep attempting this particular task for a full day.

Lloyd’s balloon remained between the flags for just 1.24 seconds, so he comes third and earns 3 points.

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores