
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Emma disappoints her father

As she arrives at the scene of the task and looks at the set-up, Emma says “I’ve got a really bad feeling about this”.

She starts her attempt by counting the number of cans in one stack, and then multiplying that by four, arriving at the correct total of 160.

She first throws the cricket ball, but it sails straight over the top of the stacks, affecting nothing. This prompts Alex to ask her if she’s “just getting rid of the balls”.

Emma then decides to tug on the yellow string, but this only dislodges a small portion of the cans in the central two stacks.

Picking up the rugby ball, Emma shares that her father had played rugby for the national England team. She then successfully hits the right edge of the right-most stack of cans with the ball, knocking down several cans.

Picking up a felled can from the ground, Emma then neatly lobs it directly through the gap between the two central stacks, before despairing in shame at her lack of throwing ability.

She cleverly then leans across the exercise ball, while keeping her feet on the marker spot, to reach and retrieve a couple more felled cans. As she prepares to throw one of them, she asks “How do you summon skills that you don’t have?”. She then proceeds to throw the can directly into the barrier, several feet below where she was aiming, before doubling over in hysterics at her own incompetence.

Following in the form she had set, Emma then throws the golf ball directly through the same gap between the two central stacks.

Finally, stating beforehand, between desperate squeals of laughter, that she knows she is going to miss again, she sends the exercise ball sailing cleanly through the same gap between the stacks.

In the studio, when Greg suggests that Emma’s lack of throwing ability, as the daughter of a former England rugby player, might destroy her family, she responds by asking “Is it too early in the series to say I don’t have cerebral palsy?”.

Alex reveals that Emma had somehow managed to knock over 36 cans during her attempt, which initially earns her fourth place. However, after Andy’s disqualification, Emma is moved up one place and earns 3 points.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores