
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Everyone attempts to drink vinegar

Rosie steps up to take the first turn, and decides to drink from tube number 10, which turns out to be connected to a bottle full of tomato juice (which she describes as tasting a “bit fishy”).

Jack is up next, and asks for a clue from Alex, which is whispered into his ear.

Emma is third, and also asks Alex for a clue, so he tells her the same thing he’d told Jack.

Baba, up fourth, decides to drink from tube number 16, which turns out to be attached to a bottle full of ice tea.

Andy takes the last turn in the round and, having specifically been warned about leaving the marker spot by Emma during her reading of the task brief, shuffles across the stage on the spot he is standing on. When asked the question “Clue or suck?” by Alex, Andy also opts to hear a clue, and is given the same information as Jack and Emma were, before shuffling back over to the edge of the stage again on his spot.

Rosie begins and ends the second round of the game by electing to both guess what Alex’s clue had been (she guesses that the correct tube is numbered with a prime number), and then suck from tube number 17, which turns out to be the one connected to the bottle full of vinegar.

When asked by Greg to explain why she’d thought the correct tube would have a prime number, she says that it’s because “Alex is so boring”.

Rosie wins the task and earns 5 points, while no-one else earns anything.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)