
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Drink the vinegar

Task types:
Single brief
Winner takes all?

Task brief

The brief for the task is as follows:

Drink the vinegar.

On your turn, you can either drink from one straw, or not drink at all and get a clue from Alex instead.

You must stand on the spot when choosing your straw, and you must never stray from the spot.

Only the vinegar drinker wins.

Task notes

  • The contestants are lined up on marker spots along the left-hand side of the stage.
  • Across the centre of the stage, there is a long wooden box, supported upon two plinths. The front of the box is open to the audience, and it is lit inside, revealing that it contains twenty bottles, each of which contains a fluid of a different colour.
  • Each bottle has a clear plastic tube running from within it to a numbered hole in the top of the box, but not necessarily to the hole immediately above it.
  • The contents of all of the bottles are not revealed during the episode, but the Taskmaster App revealed that they included the following:
    • Vegan hot chocolate (water, not milk)
    • Fizzy water with food colouring
    • Orange juice
    • Fizzy orange soda
    • Water
    • Vinegar
    • Sherbert
    • Hot Ribena
    • Peppermint tea
    • Non-alcoholic beer
    • Lychee juice
    • Tea (cold, with no milk)
    • Tomato juice
    • Iced tea
    • Soy sauce (reduced salt)
    • Lime/lemon juice
    • Elderflower cordial
    • Non-alcoholic rum
    • Fizzy gravy (veggie)
    • Blue lemonade
  • Tube number 10 is connected to the bottle of tomato juice, and tube number 16 is connected to the bottle full of iced tea. The vinegar turns out to be in the bottle to which tube 17 is connected.
  • On the stage floor behind the box, there is another marker spot, indicating where the contestants should stand while taking their turn.
  • If they ask Alex for a clue, he whispers it into their ear, and they must then return to the side of the stage and await their next turn.
  • It’s not known what Alex’s clues were, but the winning contestant guesses that the one clue shared by Alex with several of the contestants was that the correct tube was labelled with a prime number.

Task stats



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