
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Andy accepts that he’s being a prick

As Andy enters the lab, he comments that it “brings back some memories”. When Alex asks if they were good ones, Andy replies in the negative.

Having read the task brief, Andy gets into an argument with Alex about whether the air rocket is a rocket, with Alex eventually clarifying to him that it doesn’t count because it “hasn’t got fins”. Andy responds to this by making his own fins for the air rocket using paper torn from the task brief.

When Andy confirms to Alex that he has made his own rocket, Alex hands him the second task brief, instructing him that he must now put two rockets in his pockets. At this point, Andy checks with Alex whether he’s allowed to leave the room. When Alex says this is fine, Andy admits that perhaps he should have considered that earlier.

Andy heads outside the house and finds the rocket in the dome, but Alex points out that he’d have trouble fitting it in his pocket. Andy then searches the caravan and finds a rocket inside a model of a human skull. He then heads back inside the house and finds a second rocket inside the mouth of the model orca in the living room.

In the studio, Andy continues his argument about the definition of a rocket, positing that anything that is fired upwards becomes a rocket. Jack responds that by this definition you could fire a chartered accountant into the air and they’d become a rocket.

Alex reveals that Andy had put a rocket in his pocket after 18 minutes and 10 seconds.

After Rosie and Jack’s solutions to the task are shown, Andy takes exception, asking for clarification on the wording of the task brief, and then pointing out that it had said “a rocket”, and not “a piece of rocket” or “a bunch of rocket”.

When Greg asks whether he wants Rosie to lose her points, he unashamedly admits that he does, asking “Does the word ‘a’ mean nothing these days?”. Emma responds by stating to Andy that “You are ‘a’ prick today.”, which Andy accepts, but clarifies that he is not being “some pricks”.

Greg ultimately rules that he is going to allow Rose’s and Jack’s solutions, noting that he might not have done so if it weren’t for Andy’s objection. Andy therefore earns 2 points.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

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