
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Rosie and Jack compete as Team Honesty

As Rosie and Alex enter the living room to discover that they have company, Rosie asks where Alex is, and Jack responds “Who cares?”.

When Alex turns up to hand out the teams’ answer sheets, Rosie takes the opportunity to ask if she can go to the toilet, and then retrieves her phone. She also spots the leaflet about rodents and holds onto that.

When Alex asks for their team name, Jack tells him that they are “Team Honesty”.

While Alex is fetching his microphone, Rosie tells Jack to retrieve the ‘The History of Mary Queen of Scots’ book from the edge of the room. However, as Jack stands up to do so, Alex returns, and Jack has to abort his mission.

During round one of the quiz, Rosie consults the leaflet about rodents to find out which is the largest species. When the question about Mary Queen of Scots comes up, Rosie creates a distraction by feigning a cramp, lying on the floor by the door while Jack retrieves the relevant book from behind Alex, and then sits back down with it at the table to look up the answer. Rosie remains on the floor, distracting Alex, while he moves on to the next question in the quiz, about the boiling point of mercury.

For a following question, Rosie looks up an answer on her phone, and is spotted doing so by Alex. When he tells her to put her phone away, she claims that her mum was contacting her.

In round two, as Alex is asking the question about the snooker break score, Jack appears to initially be keeping up with the running total mentally, but then quickly loses track as Alex speeds up. Rosie then turns around to the team next to her and offers them a bribe in exchange for the answer to question six.

When the teams swap answer sheets at the end of round two, Rosie attempts to swap multiple times so that they end up with their own sheet and can add and change answers, but Alex catches them out. Jack then changes the scores for the team they are marking the answers for, which causes some complaints from the team in question. As Alex looks over how they’ve been marked, he spots an answer they’d gotten right, but for which Jack and Rosie had marked them incorrect for a misspelling. Alex then points out that the team had misspelt the word ‘misspelling’.

In round three, Rosie is again caught by Alex trying to use her phone to look up the answers. She then feigns another attack of cramp to create a distraction while Jack retrieves the atlas from the other side of the room.

When Alex leaves the room at the end of the third round, Rosie gets up and retrieves the folder containing the answer sheet, which he leaves behind. The team is then quickly able to copy all of the correct answers for the round onto their own sheet, and return the folder, before Alex returns.

Thanks to having all the correct answers for the picture round, Rosie is able to confidently answer that Alex was holding a colander in the redacted image, despite there being no legitimate way they could know that. When questioned on this by a very surprised quiz master, Rosie claims that it just looked like that’s what it was, while Jack claims that it was just obvious from Alex’s expression in the photo.

In the studio, Alex reveals that Jack and Rosie had correctly answered 23 out of the 30 questions in the quiz, but had been caught cheating nine times, leaving them with a score of 14.

Greg awards the team 4 points each.

(Written by Karl Craven and proofread by M3 / Andres Sanchez)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: David Fuller)

Attempt Scores