
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tom’s Elvis kit for Ben

Tom says he thinks one person on the panel could double as an Elvis impersonator, so he has brought in an Elvis wig and glasses. All of the other contestants immediately look towards Ben.

Hayley asks Ben if he can do an Elvis voice, and he responds with an Elvis-like “Un-uh-huh.” Abby then claims that she can also do an impression of Elvis, and in her normal voice, says “Hello, I’m Elvis, baby.”

When Jeremy asks which era Elvis Ben would be, he says would he be 1965 Elvis. Tom argues that Ben could straddle the whole of Elvis’ career, which Ben thanks him for, noting that Jeremy had clearly been alluding to bloated Elvis.

Tom initially receives just 1 point but, following Abby’s admission that the Beastie Boys didn’t really sign her prize, Jeremy deducts one point from her and Tom receives 2 points instead.

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected by JoGo & Will G and adjusted by David Fuller)

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