Tom hits a tennis ball into a tent

When Tom asks Paul what he would do in this situation, Paul states that he would “get a hole in one from…”, before Tom completes his sentence with “…a far distance?”. Tom then says “Any hole is a goal. Is that the phrase?”.
Tom sets up a small pop-up tent on the lawn as his hole, and then heads up to the balcony of the house to attempt to throw something into it from a distance.
He sticks a small ball to a frisbee with some tape, and then apologises to New Zealand in general for his lack of athleticism before throwing it off the balcony. When the frisbee doesn’t even get close to the tent, Tom claims that the small ball had caused “wind lag”.
Tom removes the ball from the frisbee and attempts to throw the frisbee alone into the tent. When it lands short of its target, he rushes down from the balcony, shouting “Oh my God, I’m giving up!”.
Now standing on the lawn, Tom announces that he is going to use some clubs, adding that he hopes his dad isn’t watching. Paul assures him that his father will be watching, as he loves the show.
Tom hits a tennis ball with a golf club, and it gets close to the tent before Paul catches it. Next, Tom hits the tennis ball with a tennis racquet, but it hits the side of the tent, rather than landing inside it. After another attempt, the tent slowly falls over just as the ball is reaching it.
Tom finally manages to hit a ball into the tent from a distance of 25 metres and 74 centimetres, and earns 4 points.
(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)