
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Tom invents ‘Paulandia’, where everyone speaks in quacks

Tom begins his video on the lawn, welcoming the viewers to “Paulandia”, which he describes as “paradise where Paul Williams is king”. Paul joins Tom, wearing a crown and awkwardly waving hello.

Tom proceeds claim that there are lots of tourist attractions in Paulandia, such as lake, and that there are lots of fun activities to do, such as “looking at the lake”.

Tom describes Paulandia as a place where “the peoples are blue-eyed and musically gifted”, and then Paul is shown slowly tapping out a beat on a drum, while Tom kneels beside him with a big grin on his face.

Tom shares that the national flower of Paulandia is “flour”, and that the national bird is a “hat-wearing duck” (as he shows a wooden duck wearing a small boater).

The video ends with the Paulandia national anthem, which features Paul playing a whimsical melody on his keyboard, while Tom sways and sings “Quack, quackety-quack. Quack all day, quack quack quack” and then ends with a big “Quaaaaack!”

In the studio, Jeremy asks Tom how he feels about the national anthem, noting that he’d just written down “Not good”. When Tom explains that he should have performed the English-language version, rather than the one in the national language, Paul and Hayley both encourage Tom to translate the anthem and sing it for them in the studio.

Tom obliges, singing “Paulandia is great, Paulandia is fair. I love Paulandia!” He then stands up, encouraging the rest of the contestants to join him, which they do. They all place their hands on their hearts, and Tom continues “We all love Paulandia. We are here for Paulandia!” Paul helpfully points out that in the translated version of the anthem, the melody also changes.

Tom earns 3 points.

(Written by JoGo and proofread by Karl Craven)

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