
Obsessively documenting the international Taskmaster franchise. Warning: This site is lousy with spoilers!

Brad and Jeff’s bloody calamity

Still image from Frank & Tim’s ‘blooper’ video, showing the moment where ‘Brad’ begins his comically dramatic fall from the step-ladder.Another still image from the ‘blooper’ video, showing the moment where it is very clearly revealed how Frank and Tim pulled off their stunt.

Frank and Tim’s video begins with a shot of Tim Key standing on a step-ladder, holding a mug in one hand, and putting some Union Jack bunting up on a fence with the other.

Frank’s voice is heard, warning ‘Brad’ to be careful, to which ‘Brad’ responds to the cameraman (‘Jeff’) that he “knows what he’s doing”.

’Jeff’ then warns ‘Brad’ that people are arriving soon, and asks him what time it is, leading him to look at his watch and pour the contents of the mug (apparently water) down himself.

After admonishing ‘Jeff’ for his actions, ‘Brad’ then comically falls off the top of the ladder (but not before noticeably checking behind himself...).

The camera then swings in a wide arc, away from the action, while ‘Jeff’ can be heard laughing at ‘Brad’s misfortune.

’Jeff’ eventually pans back up to the ladder, revealing that ‘Brad’ has apparently fallen so hard that he is embedded upside-down in the ground with just his legs poking out.

As ‘Jeff’ pans back away again, saying that he’ll “get help”, ‘Brad’ can clearly be seen at the edge of the frame, lying on a blue crash mat.

Back in the studio fills in Brad and Jeff’s back-story, whereby every year they try to organise this event, and every years there’s a “bloody calamity”.

Alex then points out that, although the stunt in the video was “amazing”, you could just about see how it was done. He then replays the revealing segment of the video in slow motion.

Despite the reveal, Greg awards Frank and Tim first place in the task.

(Written by Karl Craven)

(Illustrations collected and adjusted by: Karl Craven)

Another still image from the ‘blooper’ video, showing the moment where it is very clearly revealed how Frank and Tim pulled off their stunt.

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